Attività outdoor per scuole e centri estivi in Friuli

Would you like to enrich the offer of your summer centre in Friuli Venezia Giulia with a unique experience in unspoilt nature, a real adventure for children in FVG? We at Wild Valley have the ideal solution to make your ...

Addio al nubilato o addio al celibato nella natura in FVG | Wild Valley

Are you getting married and looking for ideas for a bachelor party in FVG? Or maybe a friend of yours is saying goodbye to single life and you want to organise an electrifying day of fun? Breathtaking scenery and adrenaline-pumping ...

Team building outdoor in FVG | Wild Valley

Are you the owner, manager or collaborator of a company in FVG looking for an engaging and adventurous experience to strengthen your team? Or do you want to find new team building ideas in contact with nature? In both cases, ...

Itinerari in e-bike nelle Valli del Natisone

The elegant profile of the mountains, the crystal clear waters of the river Natisone that flow gently through uncontaminated spaces and indelible traces left by history: this is the unique mix that offer e-bike itineraries in the Natisone Valleys. Whether ...

Canoa per principianti sul fiume Natisone

Do you want to live an adventure in Friuli but you are a beginner? Would you like to try an outdoor activity on the Natisone river [link] suitable for beginners and families? Then the Wild Valley Natisone beginner canoe trips ...

Attività outdoor sul fiume Natisone | Wild Valley

Are you looking for ideas for a weekend in FVG? Are you fascinated by outdoor activities on the river? Do you love adrenaline and have you already tried all the adventure parks in Friuli Venezia Giulia, but would you like ...