A collection of the questions that are most frequently asked, but above all of the answers that can dispel your doubts before you enjoy our proposals. If something is missing, you can contact our team who will be happy to answer you.
Yes, you can stop along the route wherever you want.
No, payment is made on arrival.
We always accept reservations but we recommend booking at least 2-3 days in advance to ensure availability.
If the weather is uncertain, the day before the excursion we update and confirm or postpone the excursion.
The excursion can be postponed to a later date.
Yes, but you need to know how to swim.
You call us and we come and pick you up.
No, it’s simpler and you don’t use climbing ropes.
No, on the Natisone river there is not the water flow needed for rafting.
Yes, you can bring your own waterproof bag.